ACT database
Want to find out how green equipment or consumables are before you buy? The ACT database is the place for you!
Shut the Sash!
Open fume hoods can use as much energy as 3.5 houses! Start shutting the sash today
Improve freezer efficiency
Saving energy is (ultra) cool - improve freezer efficiency and find info about buying energy efficient freezers here
How to return Stryofoam boxes
Some companies allow you to send back Styrofoam packaging - but where can you send the packages from at BCH? Find a detailed map here!
Lab Plastics Recycling Pilot
BCH office of Sustainability and Green Labs program was awarded a grant to fund a year of pipette tip box recycling with Polycarbin!! Find out more here.
How to Defrost Laboratory Freezers: A Step-by-Step Guide
Learn how to defrost your laboratory freezer efficiently with this step-by-step guide. Maximize freezer performance, reduce energy consumption, and maintain sample integrity with expert tips on planning, cleaning, disinfecting, and documenting your freezer maintenance.
12 Principles of Green Chemistry
Check out the 12 Principles… Good to know for your BCH Green Lab Certification!